BET has launched a new digital series called State of R&B. The three-episode series features a panel of music influencers including singer/songwriter Sevyn Streeter, singer/songwriter Elijah Blake, singer Rachel Kerr, producer Harmony Samuels and songwriter LaShawn Daniels. The panelists candidly speak on a range of topics including their love for 90’s R&B, how technology has changed the music business and how they’ve been healed through music.
Episode 1: “90’s Back”
In the 1990s, R&B matured in a way a man or woman who has found their stride in life would. Fronted by artists with impeccable vocal abilities, performance technique and star power and backed by major labels, the ’90s saw R&B reign supreme. Music industry influencers LaShawn Daniels, Sevyn Streeter, Elijah Blake, Rachel Kerr and Harmony Samuels discuss the impact of 90’s R&B. The group discusses icons like Brandy while also paying homage to our Soul Train Awards honorees Toni Braxton and SWV.
Episode 2: “What’s Good Now?”
Technology has changed the music business. Now the way music is created, consumed and experienced has changed. Sonically, R&B is more explorative and discovery tools (streaming services) and social media have been key platforms to showcasing the genre’s versatility and influence. We’ll discuss what’s working, what’s interesting and what’s developing. Watch as music industry influencers LaShawn Daniels, Sevyn Streeter, Elijah Blake, Rachel Kerr and Harmony Samuels dish on the new model of R&B.
Episode: “Music Heals the Soul”
What is music’s role in today’s turbulent social and political times and people’s everyday lives? Based on the theme of this year’s Soul Train Awards, “Music heals the soul,” we end the series with an introspective conversation about the transformative power of R&B/soul music. Watch as LaShawn Daniels, Sevyn Streeter, Elijah Blake, Rachel Kerr and Harmony Samuels discuss the powers of R&B music. The conversation takes you on a journey of vulnerability, being authentic and trusting the process.