Dante Jones and Drew Love, better known together as THEY., has released their debut album Nu Religion: HYENA. The album is a follow-up to the duo’s critically-acclaimed Nu Religion EP.
The album consists of 14 tracks including previously released songs “Deep End,” “Motley Crue,” “What You Want,” “Say When and “U-RITE.”
“Nu Religion was not only just the name of our first EP but it was kinda like a belief system that we have,” Love said. “Really were just about empowering people to really make a difference in this world, to really try new things, to really break the mold from what other people are doing. [This] is the next chapter of the Nu Religion and it’s called Hyena, which is really about expressing yourself, being an individual, being everything you can because I feel like right now a lot of people are really doing a lot of emulating…they’re really not expressing themselves the way they truly could.”
On March 7, THEY will kick off their Nu Religion Tour in Seattle, Wash. THEY will visit major cities in North America including Dallas, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., New York and Philadelphia, before wrapping up in Los Angeles on April 4.
Stream THEY.’s debut album Nu Religion: HYENA below.